Empowering Small Hospitals with Cynerio Now!

Cyber attacks on healthcare facilities of all sizes accelerated throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Small hospitals in particular have been vocal about the challenges they face - how do they expand cybersecurity capabilities at a time when expertise, focus and budget is either unavailable or diverted elsewhere? With ransomware attacks having increased nearly 600% in 2020, and 21% of those attacks focused on medical or IoT devices, the Cynerio team knew this was a problem we could help solve.
As our team learned more about the specific challenges and frustrations faced by small hospitals, several specific needs became clear:
- Risk Reduction First Approach - The typical inventory first, risk reduction later approach simply is not working. Customers need an approach that treats inventory like a function as part of the greater goal of critical risk reduction.
- Rapid Deployment and Results - Small hospitals can no longer wait for budget cycles to end or other vendors to expand their offerings. Ransomware attacks hit dozens of healthcare facilities a month and organizations must take action now.
- Guided Expertise - In many areas it is notoriously difficult to find, train, and retain experienced team members to protect against constantly evolving cybersecurity threats. Small hospitals need reliable access to support and expertise at a reasonable cost.
Introducing Cynerio Now! for Small Hospitals
With these challenges in mind, our team is excited to announce our newest offering: Cynerio Now! for Small Hospitals. Cynerio Now! is designed to rapidly deploy, address risk, and provide the human expertise needed to maximize impact. To accelerate risk reduction, each deployment of Cynerio Now! Includes:
- Immediate deployment of Cynerio technology within customer environments
- An experienced Technical Account Manager (TAM) to ensure success from day 1
- 10 day rapid deployment and risk reduction engagement
- Comprehensive team training workshop
- Full support for Cynerio phased risk reduction approach
- Risk reduction within hours of deployment
A No-Risk Proposition
Reducing risk in hospitals of all sizes is Cynerio’s top goal. To help small hospitals accelerate progress, all Cynerio Now! deployments come with a 60-day money back guarantee. If you are not happy with the deployment and risk reduction after 60 days Cynerio will refund your payment and thank you for your business.
Start Reducing Risk Today!
Cynerio Now! is designed for simple deployment, quick risk reduction, and protection against all IoT-related threat vectors. Contact us for pricing and to begin your deployment today at will.braxton@cynerio.com or view our data sheet.