The Platform for Modern Healthcare Cybersecurity

Cynerio’s dedicated focus to the healthcare community continues to secure devices, stop attacks and protect patients. From identifying exposed ePHI to implementing full network segmentation, Cynerio’s wide range of offerings continues to lead the industry.

Network Detection + Response
Network Detection + Response
Patient Data Security
Patient Data Security
Complete Asset Visibility
Complete Asset Visibility
Medical Device Security
Medical Device Security
Find Exposed Patient Data Before Hackers Do
Patient Data Security

Find Exposed Patient Data Before Hackers Do

Uncover exposed and at-risk ePHI within your environment, empowering teams to stop data breaches and address critical security concerns.

Network Detection + Response

The First Healthcare-Focused NDR

Stay one step ahead of cyber threats with the healthcare industry’s first detection and response capabilities, providing a proactive defense against network attacks.

The First Healthcare-Focused NDR
Automated Insight for All Connected Devices
Complete Asset Visibility

Automated Insight for All Connected Devices

Gain comprehensive inventory and visibility into connected devices across your healthcare ecosystem, enabling you to proactively manage and secure your environment.

Medical Device Security

Securing What Others Only See

Improve risk insights, gain operational visibility and enable adoption of achievable protections for healthcare settings of any size.

Securing What Others Only See

Request a Demo Today!

Cynerio was created to protect healthcare facilities from cyber attacks. Learn how today!

Why Customers Choose Cynerio

"We knew that in order to secure the devices, we needed to segment the network. And to effectively segment the network, we had to be able to see what was happening.”
Scott Christensen

Scott Christensen

Security and Systems Engineer,
MarinHealth Medical Center

“Cynerio quickly became a lot more than we bought it for, which was BioMed. As the collector began to identify devices we realized how broad our device scope was. After running Cynerio for 2 months we were able to generate a board level report which is now reviewed monthly to discuss everything from cybersecurity practices to vendor management.”
Derek Sailors

Derek Sailors

Director of Information Systems/Information
Security Officer

"Introducing an AI-based solution to address cybersecurity challenges was a first for Jackson. Cynerio helped protect Jackson’s medical equipment against cybersecurity threats, including IoMT equipment."
Charles Berberette Image

Charles Berberette

Senior System Director, Clinical Engineering,
Jackson Health Systems

“The Cynerio solution takes vast quantities of our data and distills it into prioritized multi-departmental actions that are manageable for our teams. We aren’t presented with a dashboard of equally weighted overwhelming emergencies; instead, our vulnerabilities are curated and prioritized so we know exactly where to start.”
Steve Mattern

Steven Mattern

Associate Director of IMT.
North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust

“Cynerio 360 has made the DSPT assessment infinitely easier on my team. More importantly,  Bedfordshire Hospitals will see greatly reduced risk from our medical devices once the risk reduction activities have been applied.”

Hubert Ametefe

Head of Cyber Security,
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Cynerio in the News

Improve Patient Data Protections Today

Secure patient data, build trust, and stay ahead of evolving cyber threats with Cynerio's Patient Data Security.

Real-time Medical Device Visibility and Security in Action

Wednesday, January 25th | 2:00 PM ET

Certification: Eligable for 1 Credit from the ACI

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